Velleman 12V Car Battery Monitor Minikit MK189

    1-5 Days
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Available pre-assembled: VM189

Whadda WSSA189

This small circuit is of great value to check you car battery status. Simple installation & operation. Indication by one single LED.
  • easy to build in
  • only 2 wires to connect (connect after ignition)
  • uses multi colour 3mm LED
    • green: battery OK
    • Slow pulsing (green): battery OK or charging
    • red: battery voltage is low
    • red blinking: battery is being overcharged
  • includes: board to wire connector

    Video Manual
    Click to View Click to open
      Constructional Kit: Easy
  • Dimensions: 30 x 20mm (PCB)
    Power Supply: 12Vdc